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Wednesday 23 March 2016

Tree are really capable to release oxygen at night also if it soooo how?

Significance of the Pipal tree in Hindu Mythology
(this tree could able to release O2 even at night)

Seal of Pipal tree at Mohenjodaro
Ashvattha (in Sanskrit), the peepal or Pipal (Ficus Religiosa) is a very large tree. Its bark is light gray, smooth and peels in patches. Its heart-shaped leaves have long, tapering tips. The slightest breeze makes them rustle. The fruit is purple when ripe. The peepal is the first-known depicted tree in India: a seal discovered at Mohenjodaro, one of the cities of the Indus Valley Civilization.
The peepal is used extensively in Ayurveda. Its bark yields the tannin used in treating leather. Its leaves, when heated in ghee, are applied to cure wounds.
The Brahma Purana and the Padma Purana, relate how once, when the demons defeated the gods, Vishnu hid in the peepal. Therefore spontaneous worship to Vishnu can be offered to a peepal without needing his image or temple. TheSkanda Purana also considers the peepal a symbol of Vishnu. He is believed to have been born under this tree.
In the Upanishads, the fruit of the peepal is used as an example to explain the difference between the body and the soul: the body is like the fruit which, being outside, feels and enjoys things, while the soul is like the seed, which is inside and therefore witnesses things.
According to the Skanda Purana, if one does not have a son, the peepal should be regarded as one. As long as the tree lives, the family name will continue.

Trimurti- Bramha the Creator, Vishnu-the Protector and Mahesh (Shiva)- the Moksha karaka
It is believed that in the tree there reside – The  Trimurti,
The roots being Brahma,
The trunk Vishnu and
The leaves Shiva.
The gods are said to hold their councils under this tree and so it is associated with spiritual understanding.
The peepal is also closely linked to Krishna. In the Bhagavad Gita, he says:
“Among trees, I am the ashvattha.”
The peepal is also sacred to Buddhists, because the Buddha is believed to have attained enlightenment under it. Hence it is also called the Bodhi tree or ‘tree of enlightenment‘.
Some people are particular to touch the peepal only on a Saturday. The Brahma Purana explains why, saying that Ashvattha and Peepala were two demons who harassed people. Ashvattha would take the form of a peepal and Peepala the form of a Brahmin. The fake Brahmin would advise people to touch the tree, and as soon as they did, Ashvattha would kill them. Later they were both killed by Shani. Because of his influence, it is considered safe to touch the tree on Saturdays. Lakshmi is also believed to inhabit the tree on Saturdays. Therefore it is considered auspicious to worship it then. Women ask the tree to bless them with a son tying red thread or red cloth around its trunk or on its branches.

Women circumbulating(going round) the Pipal tree
Women circumambulate the peepal tree to be blessed with children or to gain a desired thing or person. Peepal tree is planted in the temples of Shani and Hanumanji. The tree is worshipped on Saturday, especially in the month of Shravana, because goddess Lakshmi sits under the tree on this day. Any person who waters the tree is believed to earn merit for his progeny, his sorrows are redeemed and diseases cured. The peepal tree is also worshipped to escape from contagious diseases and enemies.
A peepal tree is planted to the east of the house or temple. Eight or 11 or 12 years after the tree has been planted, the upanayan ceremony is performed for the tree. A round platform is constructed around the tree. Different gods like Narayan, Vasudev, Rrukmini, Satyabhama are invoked and worshipped.

The Peepal tree is generally used to scare Shani away. It is the tree that sheltered Sita. Upon it Lord Hanuman sat and saw all the miseries of Sita. Hence this tree has a special place in the heart of Lord Hanuman or Anjeneya Swami.
To pay your respects, take a ribbon of raw thread (Kachha suta) and wrap it around the trunk while wishing that a particular problem be solved by the deities that live in the Pipal tree.

BUT Generally all trees are releases Co2 at night times

This information already i placed in my blog 27-6-2015, The link i mentioned here


For Deep explanation Reed here

Sunday 13 March 2016

Electrical engineering is essential for medical sciences.......very soon medical science(MBBS Doctors) replaced by Electrical and computer engineering graduates

Hi viewers,

Today's life electrical engineering field spreading their demand in all over fields which can helps to reduce human hardwork.
Today no electrical energy means no more world going to live..........its true even the planets and stars are rotating around its own axes by centrifugal forces and centripetal forces which is generated by electrostatic spectrum of own planets, stars.
Today here i am going to give example to electrical energy essentials in medical field

by the by what doctors are doing today in hospitals,if u go for treatment for any diseases or sicks, firstly they check B.P & Heartbeat by stethoscope initially (electro-diagram ),TBS(total body scan),EEG(electroencephalogram) for brain pulse check up , ECG(electrocardiography) for heartbeat check-up,automatic blood test machines. all are automated systems because of improvements in electrical and computers engineering.
Just doctors work is check those reports and suggest prescription (tablets+injections if required)
for this well trained computer is enough know, then why we need doctors........so there may be days coming soon throughout medical field can replaced by electrical and computer engineers to do treatment.

1.ECG Machine to test heartbeat check-up

2.EEG machine to test brain functioning

3.TBS (total body scanner)

4.Automatic blood testing machine

5.Robotic surgery by electrical motors

6. Robotic operation

1.artificial ear (electrical-sound & sound-electrical signal conversion)

2.artificial eye (photo-electrical conversion and electro-photo conversion machine)

3.artificial heart (electrical pump which pumps blood)

fig.artificial heart electrical pump

4.artificial kidney (electrical filter)

5.artificial hand and legs (stepper motors)


1.Cancer treatment by radiation therapy


1. is MEDICINE: which gives anti dose to diseases or illness,generally in form of chemicals which can react with bacterials in body.........chemical reactions generates heat ......kill bacterials and which can filtered by LIVER........but all CHEMICAL TABLETS and MEDICINES burnt LIVER CELLS........it takes lot of time to recycle or rebuilt the liver cells...........

LIVER is very important and cannot able to replace with artificial devices............very delicate one can perform 500 works in human body

The figure gives u how we increasing stress on LIVER

Here i mentioned best natural food which increases the LIVER health


ANS: Illness cured by ENERGY (by adding electrical energy to human body.......it makes deformation of ill body and it helps to recover and kill body bacterials well)

the YOGA is the method to control all human body parts and develop resistive power by own brain electrical signals
and now researcher scholars doing research to kill illness by adding extra electrical energy. see some image samples here


I am proud to say i am a electrical engineer...........

Liver and its importance in human body && how liver cells damaged by medicines

Why? The liver converts acetaminophen into N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI) in an attempt to get rid of it. (“N-acetyl what??” Don’t worry about pronouncing it, there will be no test at the end of this blog). The problem is that NAPQI requires huge amounts of a really important endogenous (body-made) antioxidant called glutathione in order to make it less toxic. Glutathione is responsible for scavenging all the free radicals produced all over the body by various (often normal!) metabolic processes. NAPQI chews up glutathione in massive quantities, leaving excess free radicals to burn and cause DNA and cellular damage all over the body. The liver then has to deal with not only the lack of glutathione, but the highly toxic NAPQI. Hepatocellular (liver cell) damage, necrosis (ugly cell death), and liver failure follows.

The super rad chemical structure and how it is converted in the body (for all you nerds out there). Paracetamol is just another name for acetaminophen. GSH in an abbreviation for glutathione (the purple arrow). The blue arrows show other pathways the liver can use for detoxification too.

Okay, so you’ve taken Tylenol in the past and you didn’t die, so no harm, no foul, right? Sort of. The liver is an incredibly resilient organ, so in most normal people it takes the hit, waits until the acetaminophen passes, restores glutathione (if you eat right) and then rebuilds liver cells. BUT, in small children, in anyone with liver damage, or in large doses it can lead to liver failure.
Acetaminophen has a much lower maximum daily dose than almost any other over the counter medication. Adults should take NO MORE than 3,000 mg per day. That is six 500-mg pills per day. Children’s dose is at maximum 80 mg/kg per day. Most people have no idea what that means, which is why pediatricians give you a dosing chart. Do NOT exceed that dose!! The problem is that acetaminophen is in many combination products, including over the counter cough syrups, Nyquil, pain formulas and more. Read the labels carefully!
I have more reasons to loathe acetaminophen, including the implications of depleting glutathione in developing children. Here is that follow-up blog post again: Just say “NO” to Tylenol: Acetaminophen causes autism?

Until then, here’s your review:

1. It’s not the degree of fever, but how your child looks that matters.
2. Avoid acetaminophen whenever possible. When you do use it, read the label carefully and never exceed the recommended amount. Check all your pain, flu and fever combination products for their active ingredients, and never combine Tylenol with other over-the-counter formulas.

Don’t believe me? Here’s a great article from Seattle Children’s Hospital about the Myths of Fever.
And here is another great post, written by my colleague, about how to overcome your Fever Phobia.

Saturday 12 March 2016

Story on "Today's doctors treatment and death by medicines"

Now a days there is big business is going on namely “Check-up” ……why I am saying like that? What’s wrong in it, I will tell u reasons……You are alright now…..if u are alright  go for check-Up in hospital you come out as a patient…………..how I will tell u all.

Today u have body scanner called TBS (Total body scanner it scans 500 parameters of our body)….based on those reports doctors judge whether u are normal are abnormal (patient)

First of all what is normal B.P is 120/80 whether it true………….then mahatma Gandhi’s Blood Pressure B.P is 210/120 all the time and he is alright at that time and he getting sleep well but lot of peoples are not getting sleep with high blood pressure. Brownbox’s B.P is 60/40, he is the strongest man in world.so what is the problem the text book says B.P is 12/80 for human being it is average (statistical average B.P) it is not a normal.

OK leave it let me go for Normal height for Indian male is about 5.4 plus (or) minus 2%. i.e 5.2-5.6 is normal height for Indian male.
Now Amitabh bachchan comes for checkup his height is 6.2.our treatment is cut down his legs to get height into 5.6……………..and jaya bachchan comes her height is 4.5, our treatment transplant his legs to her to make normal height……….what is this………….this is what the doctors doing treatment to us.

i.e they made average becomes normal……by that time there is huge errors called false positive, for every one parameter false positive (error) in statistic’s is 5%............now TBS scans 500 parameters. So false positive (error) is 5*500=2,500%. i.e for every 100 peoples gone to check up means we will get 2,500 patients remarks in that………see how beautiful business it is……..

so that was professor of medicine America, her name is  Lyon isan and this girl was 52 years old, she was very brilliant professor. One day she was worried about what she was teaching to the students. For that she asked a question to brightest boy in a class. The question is “Who is a patient???”. She was expecting esoteric answer from that boy, but the boy very simply said “The man whom (or) whose seeks doctor become a patient”, she got shock of her life, she said, “then when does the he (or) she becomes a man or human again”. The boy thought for a while and said “rarely ever madam, if ever.”. This girl is resigned her job professor of medicine America at the age of 52, she realized everything wrong about medicine. She sat the MCAT test got good score and she joined medical school, in that school she is student again, went through 4 years and come out again & she said “everything up to now we thought is wrong”, she wrote an article on that, it is suppressed by medical companies.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Human Brain V/S Super computer

My question is human already developed a supercomputer which can work almost equivalent to human brain but size and power(energy) required to operation is very huge.
SUPERCOMPUTER requires 200 MW && HUMAN BRAIN requires just 20 Watts 
HOW wonder it is......how powerful we are.........Let me explain clearly

Bibliographic Entry
(w/surrounding text)
Drubach, Daniel. The Brain Explained. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 2000.
"Although the brain accounts for less than 2% of a person's weight, it consumes 20% of the body's energy."
20 W
"Body, Physics of." Macmillan Encyclopedia of Physics. New York: Macmillan, 1996.
"The average power consumption of a typical adult is about 100 W."
20 W
Brown, Guy. The Energy of Life. New York: Free Press, 1999.
"The human brain is only 2% of the weight of the body, but it consumes about 20% of the total energy in the body at rest."
20 W
Hart, Leslie. How the Brain Works. New York: Basic Books, Publishers, 1975.
"Even so, the brain when awake demands a greedy share of the body's energy supply: thought weighing about 1/50 of the body total, it may use as much as 1/5 of all the energy that is consumed."
20 W
Yang, Eric. "Think Dinner." Mac Evolution. 13 February 1998.
"It's well known that the human brain accounts for about 20% of the total oxygen consumption when a person is at rest, so let us assume that the brain accounts for 20% of the total body energy consumption."
20 W

The brain makes up 2% of a person's weight. Despite this, even at rest, the brain consumes 20% of the body's energy. The brain consumes energy at 10 times the rate of the rest of the body per gram of tissue. The average power consumption of a typical adult is 100 Watts and the brain consumes 20% of this making the power of the brain 20 W. 
Based on a 2400 calorie diet (Adapted from Yang
2400 "food calorie" = 2400 kcal
2400 kcal / 24 hr = 100 kcal/hr = 27.8 cal/sec = 116.38 J/s = 116 W
20% x 116 W = 23.3 W 
Glucose is the main energy source for the brain. As the size and complexity of the brain increases, energy requirements increase. 
The human brain is one of the most energy hungry organs in the body thereby increasing its vulnerability. If the energy supply is cut off for 10 minutes, there is permanent brain damage. There is no other organ nearly as sensitive to changes in its energy supply. 
In 1955, Albert Einstein's brain was preserved for research. Three scientific papers have been published examining the features of Einstein's brain. Albert Einstein's brain differed to normal men's brain in that his brain had more glial cells per neuron that might indicate that neurons in Einstein's brain had an increased "metabolic need"-- they needed and used more energy. Einstein's brain weighed only 1,230 grams, which is less than the average adult male brain (about 1,400 grams). The thickness of Einstein's cerebral cortex was thinner. However, the density of neurons in Einstein's brain was greater. In other words, Einstein was able to pack more neurons in a given area of cortex. 

The most recent study concerning Einstein's brain was published in the British medical journal The Lancet, on June 19, 1999. They found that a portion of the brain that governs mathematical abilities and spatial reasoning -- 2 key ingredients to the sort of thinking Einstein did best -- was 15% wider than average allowing better connection between its cells, which could have allowed them to work together more efficiently.

I will just show the statistics of last attempt to mimic the brain process.

In 2011 fastest computer in Japan was launched:
K computer OR SPARC64 VIIIfx 2.0GHz
  • Manufacturer: Fujitsu

  • · Cores: 705,024

  • · Linpack Performance (Rmax) 10,510 TFlop/s

  • · Theoretical Peak (Rpeak) 11,280.4 TFlop/s

  • · Power: 12,659.89 kW

  • · Memory: 1,410,048 GB (16GB RAM per CPU)

  • · Processor: SPARC64 VIIIfx 8C 2GHz (88,128 CPUs, 8-core each)

  • · Operating System: Linux

It's currently world's 4th fastest supercomputer.

An 83,000-Processor Supercomputer Can Only Match 1% of Your Brain

...The most accurate simulation of the human brain to date has been carried out in a Japanese supercomputer, with a single second’s worth of activity from just one per cent of the complex organ taking one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers 40 minutes to calculate. Researchers used the K computer in Japan, currently the fourth most powerful in the world, to simulate human brain activity. The computer has 705,024 processor cores and 1.4 million GB of RAM, but still took 40 minutes to crunch the data for just one second of brain activity...


Top 10 Supercomputers, Illustrated (June 2013)

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The twice-a-year list of the Top 500 supercomputers documents the most powerful systems on the planet. Many of these supercomputers are striking not just for their processing power, but for their design and appearance as well. Here’s a look at the top finishers in the latest Top 500 list, which was released earlier today at the ISC13 supercomputing conference in Leipzing, Germany. 
TIANHE 2, Guangzhou Supercomputing Center

A look at the new supercomputing champion, the Tinahe-2 (Milky Way 2) system from China. 

This powerful new system is the second Chinese supercomputer to place first in the Top500, following in the footsteps of its namesake Tianhe-1, which topped the list in 2010. The Tianhe-2 system (also known as Milky Way 2) is the world’s new number one system with a performance of 33.86 petaflop/s on the Linpack benchmark, well ahead of the runner-up Titan supercomputer. Its 16,000 nodes will also boast a lot of memory, with 88GB per node, for a total of 1.404 petabytes of system memory. A proprietary optoelectronics hybrid transport interconnect technology and global shared parallel storage system containing 12.4 petabytes round out the specifications.There are 32,000 Intel Ivy Bridge Xeon sockets and 48,000 Xeon Phi boards for a total of 3,120,000 cores. The TH-2 system would represent the largest installation of Intel Ivy Bridge processors and Intel Phi coprocessors. Phi is Intel’s Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture for highly parallel workloads. The Tianhe-2 system will have a peak power consumption under load of 17.6 megawatts. 
TITAN SUPERCOMPUTER, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

The Titan supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is now in second position on the Top500. (Photo: Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

After leading the Top500 in November, the Titan supercomputer, a Cray XK7 system installed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, is the runner-up this time with a mark of 17.59 Petaflops (quadrillions of calculations per second) on the Linpack benchmark. Titan has 560,640 processors, including 261,632 NVIDIA K20x accelerator cores. The 200-cabinet Cray supercomputer has a second life, having ruled the Top 500 as Jaguar. The system has been overhauled with faster hardware and networking system, and taken on a new name to reflect its super-charged capabilities. Titan has been accelerated by a hybrid computing architecture teaming traditional central processing units (CPUs) from AMD with the high-speed graphics processing units (GPUs) from NVIDIA to create a faster and more efficient machine. Each of Titan’s 200 cabinets will require up to 54 kilowatts of power, an intense high-density load. The system is cooled with an advanced cooling system developed by Cray, which uses both water and refrigerants. Titan is one of the most energy efficient systems on the list, consuming a total of 8.21 MW and delivering 2,143 Mflops/W. The ECOPhlex (short for PHase-change Liquid Exchange) cooling system uses two cooling loops, one filled with a refrigerant (R-134a ), and the other with chilled water.

SEQUOIA SUPERCOMPUTER, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Sequoia is an the LLNL system that is now the third-most pwoerful supercomputer in the world. (Photo: IBM)

In the third position is Sequoia, the champ in the June 2012 Top 500, a Blue Gene/Q supercomputer built on IBM Power architecture at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Californa. Sequoia consists of 96 racks; 98,304 compute nodes, 1.6 million cores and 1.6 petabytes of memory, and achieved 17.17 petaflop/s on the Linpack benchmark. Sequoia is also one of the most energy efficient systems on the list, consuming a total of 7.84 MW and delivering 2,031.6 Mflops/W.The National Nuclear Security Administration uses Sequoia to research the safety, security and reliability of the United States’ nuclear deterrent , replacing the need for underground testing.

K SUPERCOMPUTER, RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS), Japan

The “K” supercomputer, a two-time Top 500 champion, is now the number four system. Installed at the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS) in Kobe, Japan, the K Computer it achieved an impressive 10.51 Petaflop/s on the Linpack benchmark using 705,024 SPARC64 processing cores. The K Computer is joint project by Fujitsu and the RIKEN center, and was the first supercomputer to achieve a performance level of 10 Petaflop/s, or 10 quadrillion calculations per second. The K computer had taken the No. 1 position in both June 2011 and November 2011. The K computer is now supported by a 6 megawatt gas turbine cogeneration system, part of the electrical facilities at RIKEN.