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Sunday, 3 April 2016

Magnetism and Youthing

The use of magnetic treatments to extend life span has been informally researched for many years, with enough positive results reported to make this topic worth serious consideration. Fifteen years of personal use has convinced me of its value. Whether or not magnetic treatments (of the proper type) can actually extend life span or merely improve health remains unknown but they definitely lengthen life for other living organisms. 

The use of magnetic treatments to extend the life span of animals has been informally reported by several researchers, working independently in different decades and different countries Whether or not magnetic treatments of the proper type can actually extend the life span of humans or merely improve health remains unknown. There are enough positive results reported to definitely make this topic worth serious investigation.

Youthing Procedures Using Magnetic Fields - My present hypothesis is that the endocrine glands of the body need to be analyzed and corrected if any of them are out of balance, before attempting to reset the biological clock (if there is such a mechanism).

           Step 1: The activity of each gland and organ in the body must be magnetically balanced. A gland is magnetically balanced if it is not in need for magnetic north or magnetic south treatment. That indicates the gland is functioning normally. 
         Step 2: Any weak or injured parts of the body should be treated magnetically and by other means. When those two aspects have been corrected, at least to some extent, then the body is ready for the next and key process of magnetic reprogramming. 
          Step 3: Treatment of the whole body with permanent and pulsed electromagnets. The whole body may need to be magnetically neutral before an attempt is made to reset the biological clocks. Treatment may require assistants.

At least five laboratory studies have been done on animals showing an increase in life span of about 30 percent.
1. Early studies on mice by Dr. S. Alexander of the North American Aviation Corporation showed decreased cancer susceptibility in mice and an increase in their life span up to 45% when they were treated with magnets (polarity, intensity, and duration unspecified in my abstract of this early study). 

2. Dr. Hajime Okae of Kyorin University, Tokyo kept mice in a magnetic field of 4200 Gauss (polarity unspecified) for 59 days. After being removed from the magnetic field, they lived to an average age of 400 days, almost one-third longer than their typical life span of 308 days. In another test, he took blood samples of the magnetically treated mice and found that the red blood cells survived in culture for an average of 120 days, as opposed to those of untreated mice at 70-100 days. 

3. In India another researcher, using a different breed of mice, stated that they grew old in about 400 days, dying a few months later. Upon the appearance of aging symptoms, the mice were treated with a magnetic field of 3000 to 4200 gauss (polarity not specified) for one hour, morning and evening, daily for three or four months. They gained weight, became as active as before, and appeared 6 to 8 months old. A 250 day old mouse lived to an age of 615 days in good health after the treatment. 
4. Early pioneers in magnetism and health, Albert Davis and Walter Rawls, reported that mice and rats lived longer if exposed to the stimulating biosouth magnetic pole and if they weren't allowed to copulate.
  Davis and Rawls also claimed that mice exposed to the calming bionorth pole showed an increase in life span. In mature rodents, they found that exposure of the testicles to the stimulating biosouth polarity resulted in more sperm production, more sexual activity, and a shorter life span.
Many other experiments were done by Davis and Rawls on chickens, worms, and other animals. All living organisms respond in a similar manner to magnetic fields. 

Similar experiments were done on plants with positive results on seed yield, vitality and growth. Biological activity is clearly enhanced by magnetic fields of the proper polarity. General principles and findings have emerged and been replicated by other researchers.

For instance, two Chinese acupuncturists, Minda Hsu and Chikuo Fong, reported an experiment on extending the life of tadpoles. Five each were placed in water filled glass beakers. 
One beaker was treated with a magnetic field of 800 gauss (polarity not specified) and the other was not treated. No food was given to the tadpoles. 
The ones in the magnetically treated beaker lived an average of 27 days, compared to 21 days for the tadpoles that were not treated.
According to Hsu and Fong mice placed in a cage shielded from Earth's natural magnetism died sooner than a control group.

Encoding Stellar Radiations into Natter to reuse year round - So at different times of the year we have different forces striking the earth and influencing all matter, especially forming and growing and living matter.
Around Easter and Spring Equniox we have a rejuvenating energy. Buryl was using some kind of focusing telescope to capture these stellar radiations and 'write' them into mass such as sugar, salts and other mutable crystals that when wetted can take on the patterns and retain them when dry.

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