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Saturday 27 December 2014

Success is not like a instant coffee

Success is not like a instant coffee. Most of the successes start with failures
From today onwards I will give examples of successful persons start with failures
Ex:1,2  henry Ford(inventor of FORD CAR) &Thomas Alva Edison (inventor of BULB+1092 things)

Henry ford studied up to 6th class.but he is invented automobile (car).his spread the cars for every American at cheap cost.
And secondly Edison was great man invented 1093 new things. See how great he is?
He is discovered not only 1 or 2 or 3,its 1093 things. Butwe are knowing his name popular for inventor of ELECTRICAL BULB.
Do u know that “Edison studied only 3 months ,not even a year also.its true and not a joke.
>Now the question is “How the 6thclass Ford can discover a CAR,and how the Edison(3 months study duration) can discover a 1093 things???????”
Ans:these two peoples HENRY FORD,THOMAS ALVA EDISON has a common friend  named as “napoleon hill”.

he was the friend &psysicien& teacher.and he motivate those peoples towards success and insert one type of positive mental attitude to those fellows.each and every cell of the body can filled with that attitude,that’s why EDISON invented a bulb and FORD invented a car.
But friends those are not succeed by single try.

Let me say about EDISON in detailed,he studied for 3 months duration.and his having very much zeal on experiments,at age of 8 years he setup his own laboratory at home.the requirements can buy it from market by doing as child labor.so he not a rich man at starting.and keep on doing experiments at home ,and his mother was scared about him “one day the house was fired with his fault experiment “once up on a day he travels in train,and doing some experiment due to that the compartment fired than police was arrested him.and he was in jail for 6 months.
Finally THOMAS ALVA EDISON invented a bulb not only bulb, and he invented  1 ,2,3   ……………1093 new things.

So friend try try try ………until and unless you get a success.

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