Renewable Dominate New US Electrical Generating Capacity
Specifically, three wind farms came on line last month, accounting for 333-MW of new generation in service. These included Stella Wind Farm’s 182-MW Panhandle Wind Farm Phase II expansion in Texas and the 150-MW Origin Wind Energy project in Oklahoma.
New wind generating capacity this year thus far has more than doubled that for the same period in 2013 (2,525-MW vs. 1,112-MW).
In addition, 14 new “units” of solar came on line for a total of 294-MW of capacity, led by MidAmerican Renewables LLC’s 250-MW Topaz Solar Farms expansion in California.
So, for the ninth time in the past eleven months, renewable energy sources (i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, wind) accounted for the majority of new U.S. electrical generation brought into service. Natural gas took the lead in the other two months (April and August).
Of the 10,926-MW of new generating capacity from all sources installed since January 1, 2014, 39 units of wind accounted for 2,525-MW (23.11%), followed by 235 units of solar – 2,203-MW (20.16%), 49 units of biomass – 282-MW (2.58%), 7 units of hydropower – 141-MW (1.29%), and 5 units of geothermal – 32-MW (0.29%). In total, renewables have provided 47.43% of new U.S. electrical generating capacity thus far in 2014.
The balance came from 46 units of natural gas – 5,513-MW (50.46%), 1 unit of coal – 106-MW(0.97%), 1 unit of nuclear – 71-MW (0.65%), 15 units of oil – 47-MW (0.43%), and 6 units of “other” – 7-MW (0.06%). Thus, new capacity from renewable energy sources in 2014 is 49 times that from coal, 73 times that from nuclear, and 110 times that from oil.
Renewable energy sources now account for 16.44% of total installed operating generating capacity in the U.S.: water – 8.43%, wind – 5.42%, biomass – 1.38%, solar – 0.88%, and geothermal steam – 0.33%. Renewable energy capacity is now greater than that of nuclear (9.22%) and oil (3.97%) combined.
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