Learn about electricity circuits as you experiment with batteries, voltages and light bulbs in this great electricity activity. Wiring them in different ways can result in surprising outcomes. Try changing the battery in the circuit to make the light bulb glow brighter, increasing the voltage will have this effect. Check your model and see how it looks as a circuit diagram. Enjoy the variety of challenges that involve changing the circuit, moving switches, replacing bulbs, changing the battery volts and adding longer wires. Kids will have fun with this interactive electricity game.
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Learn about forces in action as you experiment how gradients, weights, motion and resistance affect the movement of various objects with this fun science activity. Try and get the truck down the ramp and to the end of the track by adding a range of weights. Record the results in a table as you watch how the different conditions affect the outcome of the experiments. What happens when you make a steep gradient or add a parachute to the back of the truck? Find out while enjoying this fun, interactive game for kids.
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Eyes are amazing parts of the human body, learn how we see as you experiment with light & mirrors in this fun science game for kids. Change the mirror angles to see which way they reflect the light. Practice hard and see if you can get the mirrors at the right angles so that the light reflects onto the tent. Once you’ve achieved that goal use what you've learned to try and illuminate other objects by controlling the path of the light. Kids will love the challenge of this cool, interactive activity.
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Learn about the Earth, Sun & Moon's orbits as you experiment with different dates and times in this fun activity for kids. Discover how long the Earth takes to orbit the Sun, how many hours it takes the Earth to spin around once on its own axis, how long the Moon takes to orbit the Earth, how it all relates to our calendar and other useful facts. Watch how the Earth and Moon orbit the Sun, is it how you expected? Find the answers to these questions and learn more about the size of the Earth, Sun & Moon, their shape and the speed they travel through space with this cool, interactive science game.
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Learn about electricity circuits as you experiment with conductors and power sources in this fun, interactive activity. Find out what materials conduct electricity better than others. Try lighting the bulb by putting different objects and materials such as a coin, cork, rubber, key, chalk, plastic or wire into the gap in the circuit. What happens to the bulb brightness when you add another bulb to the circuit? Do you notice a difference in brightness if you have just one bulb but two batteries? Play around with different combinations, learn more about electricity and enjoy this great science game for kids.
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Learn about magnets & springs as you combine the two to complete various magnetic challenges in this fun science activity for kids. Find out what objects magnets are attracted to and more. Will the magnet pick up plastic objects? How about aluminum cans? Experiment and find out how magnets and springs work. How does the distance you pull back the spring affect how far the magnet will travel? Try rotating the magnet or changing to a big or small size, how does this affect the magnetic strength? Enjoy these challenges and more with this cool, interactive game.
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Learn about the sun, light & shadows as you experiment with different light sources and objects in this fun, interactive science activity for kids. Moving a light source closer to an object can make its shadow grow larger while moving the light source away can have the opposite effect. Experiment and see what happens to the shadows of different objects when you tilt the light source or change its brightness, what happens to the shadow if the light source is dim? Head outside and see how sunlight creates shadows with various objects such as trees, houses and cars. Learn how the sun's position in the sky effects the size of shadows. Even the moon can create shadows when it reflects light from the sun. Enjoy the challenge of this cool science game.
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Learn about changing sounds and music as you experiment with different musical instruments in this fun, interactive activity. Plucking strings of different lengths results in a variety of sounds, some can be high pitched while others can be very low pitched. Play instruments such as drums, the guitar and even a bottle. Experiment with different settings and sort your results into a pitch and loudness grid. Listen to the noise as you blow on a bottle and then see what happens when you try again after filling it with water. Bang on a drum and listen to the change in pitch as you tighten the drum skin. Kids will enjoy the challenges of this cool science game.
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Learn about friction as you experiment how the movement of vehicles responds to different surfaces and levels of resistance in this great friction game for kids. Which surface slows a vehicle down more - vinyl, wood, carpet or ice? Try and get the car to the end of the track by putting the principles and fun science information you learn about kinetic friction into action. To change the track surface simply scroll through the different surfaces at the bottom of the screen before clicking and dragging the desired surface type on to the track. Kids will enjoy this interactive and educational friction activity.
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Learn about light & dark as well as light sources & reflections as you experiment with different objects in this fun activity. Does a mirror ball give out light or does it just reflect light from another source? What about a lamp, torch, animal or jacket? Play around with the objects and see what results you get. Learn the difference between light sources and reflections, which light sources give the brightest light, properties of sunlight and how wearing reflective strips can make cyclists stand out more so they are less likely to be hit by cars. Kids will enjoy experimenting with this interactive science game.
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