Home power inverter is to provide uninterrupted power to run household electric devices. These inverters for home are available in different voltage and load capacities. In the basic design of the home inverter a DC (battery) source is connected to a transformer through the center tap of the primary winding. A switch is rapidly switched back and forth to allow current to flow back to the battery following two alternate paths through one end of the primary winding and then the other.
Alternating current has continuously varying voltage, which swings from positive to negative. This has an advantage in power transmission over long distance. Power from the Grid is carefully regulated to get a pure sine wave and also the sine wave radiate the least amount of radio power during long distance transmission. But it is expensive to generate sine wave in an inverter. Its quality is excellent and almost all electrical and electronic appliances work well in sine wave inverter.
This is the simplest form of output wave available in the cheapest form of inverters. They can run simple appliances without problems but not much else.Square wave voltage can be easily generated using a simple oscillator. With the help of a transformer, the generated square wave voltage can be transformed into a value of 230 volt AC or higher.
The alternation of the direction of current in the primary winding of the transformer produces alternating current (AC) in the secondary circuit. This will be 230 /110 Volt AC and can operate all the electric devices.
Efficiency of the Power Inverter for Home
The quality of the output wave form (230 volt AC) from the inverter determines its efficiency. The quality of the inverter output wave form is expressed using Fourier analysis data to calculate the ‘Total Harmonic Distortion’ (THD). THD is the square root of the sum of the squares of the harmonic voltage divided by the fundamental voltage.
THD = √ V2 2 + V3 2 + V4 2…………. Vn 2 / V1
Types of Power Inverters
Based on the output waveforms, there are three types of Inverters. These are Sine wave, Modified Sine wave and Square wave inverters.
Sine wave power inverter
The sine wave is the AC waveform we get from the domestic lines and from the generator. The major advantage of sine wave inverter is that all of the house hold appliances are designed to operate in sine wave AC. Another advantage is that the sine wave is a form of soft temporal rise voltage and it lacks harmonic oscillations which can cause unwanted counter forces on engines, interference on radio equipments and surge current on condensers.
Modified Sine wave or Quasi Sine wave
Modified sine wave is designed to simulate a sine wave since the generation of sine wave is expensive. This waveform consists of a Flat Plateau of positive voltage, dropping abruptly to zero for a short period, then dropping again to a flat plateau of negative voltage. It then go back to zero again and returning to positive. This short pause at zero volts gives more power to 50 Hz fundamental frequency of AC than the simple square wave.
Inverters providing modified sine wave can adequately power most house hold appliances. It is more economical but may present certain problems with appliances like microwave ovens, laser printers, digital clocks and some music systems. 99% of appliances run happily in modified sine wave. Instruments using SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) in the power supply section behave badly with modified sine wave. The SCR will consider the sharp corners of the sine wave as trashes and shut off the instrument. Many of the Laser printers behave like this and fail to work in inverters and UPS providing modified sine wave power. Most variable speed fans buzz when used in modified sine wave inverters.
Square Wave Power Inverter
Terms related to Inverter
Watt (W)
Watt is the measure of how much power a device uses when turned on or can supply. If a device uses 100 watts, it is simply the voltage times the ampere (rate of current).If the device takes 10 Amps at 12 Volt DC, it uses 120 watts power. That is 10A x 12 V = 120 W.
Watt Hour (WH)
A watt hour (or Kilo Watt hour – kWh) is simply how many watt times, how many hours the device is used. If the device uses 100 watts for 10 hours, it is 1000 watt hour or 1 kWh. The electricity tariff is based on kWh.
Ampere (A)
It is the measure of electrical current at the moment. Amps are important to determine the wire size for connecting the inverter to the battery. Low gauge wire will heat up and burn if heavy current flows through it from the battery.
Ampere Hour (Ah)
Amp-Hour usually abbreviated as Ah is the Amps x Time. Ah is the measure of battery capacity which determines the backup time of the inverter
Amp-Hour usually abbreviated as Ah is the Amps x Time. Ah is the measure of battery capacity which determines the backup time of the inverter
Volt Ampere (VA)
It represents the maximum load capacity of the inverter. Commonly available inverters are 500 A, 800 VA, 1000 VA, 1500 VA etc.
Power in Inverter
Peak power and Typical or Average power
An inverter needs Peak or Surge power and Typical or Average (Usual) power. Peak power is the maximum power that an inverter can supply usually for short time.Some heavy current appliances like motor and refrigerator requires a startup peak power than they require when running. Typical power is the power that the inverter gives on a steady basis. This is usually much lower than the peak power. Typical power is useful in estimating the battery capacity. Therefore inverters must be’ sized’ for the maximum peak load and typical continuous power.
An inverter needs Peak or Surge power and Typical or Average (Usual) power. Peak power is the maximum power that an inverter can supply usually for short time.Some heavy current appliances like motor and refrigerator requires a startup peak power than they require when running. Typical power is the power that the inverter gives on a steady basis. This is usually much lower than the peak power. Typical power is useful in estimating the battery capacity. Therefore inverters must be’ sized’ for the maximum peak load and typical continuous power.
Power Rating of Inverter
Inverters are available in different ‘Size ratings’ from 50 VA up to 50000 VA. Inverters larger than 11000 VA are seldom used in household applications. The first thing you have to consider about the inverter system is its maximum peak power or surge power and steady current supply. The surge rating is usually specified at so many watts for so many seconds. This means that the inverter will handle an over load of that many watts for a short time. This ‘surge capacity’ will vary considerably between inverters and even with in the same brand. Generally 3-15 seconds surge rating is enough to cover 99% of appliances. Inverters with lowest surge rating are the high speed electronic switching types.
Current consumption
Depends on the wattage of the appliances used, current consumption of the inverter can be calculated using the formula
I = W / V Where I is the current in amps, W is the wattage of the appliance and V the 12volt (battery voltage).
Wattage of an instrument is calculated using the formula
W = V X I Where V is the 230 volt AC and I is the current consumption.
Watt rating is usually printed on the back side of the appliance near the power cord.
Watt rating is usually printed on the back side of the appliance near the power cord.
It indicates the ‘Size’ (capacity) of the inverter. To select the inverter size, the given formula is useful
It indicates the ‘Size’ (capacity) of the inverter. To select the inverter size, the given formula is useful
VA = W x Inverter loss. Inverter loss is typical around 1.15. If the total load connected to the inverter is 400 watts then the minimum inverter size should be 400 x 1.15. That is 460 VA. A 500 VA is suitable for the load.
Ampere Hour (Ah)
The capacity of the battery is represented in Ah. It is the amount of current a battery can give during one hour of charge / discharge cycle. High capacity batteries (100 Ah, 150 Ah) are used to power inverters to get sufficient backup time. The formula to select the battery power (Ah) is Load in watts / Voltage of battery x Backup hour.
For example if you wants to run 400 watts load on 12 volt battery for 3 hours, then the capacity of the battery should be minimum 100 Ah.
Ah = 400 / 12 x 3 = 100 Ah. If the load increases (within the capacity of the inverter), backup time reduces.
Ah = 400 / 12 x 3 = 100 Ah. If the load increases (within the capacity of the inverter), backup time reduces.
Selecting the Best Home Power Inverter
Before selecting the inverter, it important to calculate the total power consumption of the appliances that are going to be connected to the inverter.
It is important to note that the power consumption (Current drain) increases when the driving voltage decreases. When the input voltage drops in the domestic supply lines from 230 V AC to 200 VAC, electric devices will consume more current. For example a load rated 300 Watts (like Fridge) operating in 230 volts uses 1.4 Amps in one hour. The same load takes 1.5 Amps if the line voltage drops to 200 volt during peak hours (6pm- 9 pm). So it is advisable to switch off high current devices during peak hours. This conserves energy as well as reduces the electricity bill. If heavy loads are running in inverter, battery voltage diminishes from 13.5 volts to 12 volts with in a short time. This reduces the backup time. So it is better to connect only light loads such as fan, lights and TV to inverter lines.
Current Consumption in Home appliances
The table given below shows the power rating of common home appliances.
Power Calculation
Before purchasing an Inverter, it is necessary to calculate the power requirements of the loads that are going to be connected. Mid size inverter (500VA to 800 VA) will handle most of the low power household appliances.
If you wish to use 2 Fans, 2 Tube lights and 1 TV, the total power consumption will be around 380 Watts. Power loss in the inverter is estimated as 1.15. So the Inverter capacity should be at least 380×1.15. That is 437 VA. The suitable available size is 500 VA. Inverter rating is usually given in VA (Volt Ampere). The backup time of the inverter depends on the type and capacity of the battery used. Battery capacity is represented in Ah (Ampere hour). To power the whole house (say 3000 watts), more planning is necessary. A 5 KVA inverter is necessary in this case. But obviously not every appliance will be ‘ON’ at the same time. So a high capacity inverter is a good choice because, if the load increases above the rated capacity of the inverter, it can lead to hazardous results.
If a 24 Volt inverter with 24 volt battery is used, backup time can be doubled. But the cost of the inverter and battery will be high compared to a 12 volt inverter and 12 volt battery.
If a 24 Volt inverter with 24 volt battery is used, backup time can be doubled. But the cost of the inverter and battery will be high compared to a 12 volt inverter and 12 volt battery.
Power loss in Inverter and Current consumption during charging.
No power inverter can function efficiently. The working of the inverter depends on many factors like conducted load, battery efficiency and maintenance. During operation, inverter will heat up and the transformer will dissipate heat. So some energy will be lost which reduces the efficiency. Proper charging of the battery and its efficiency to hold charge are two very important aspects. Input voltage from the AC lines should be close to 230 volts for proper charging of the battery. Fully charged battery will show 13.8 volts. Inverter should switch on charging immediately when the battery voltage reduces to 12 volts. Charging current depends on the time taken to complete the charging process and also the ‘charge condition’ of the battery. If the battery is discharged to 80% of its efficiency, it will take 5 to 7 Ampere current for charging during the first few hours. Then the current reduces to 500 milli amperes or less. A fully charged battery will not take any current. Most inverters have two mode charging-Boosts charging and Trickle charging. During boost charging, around 5 to 7 ampere current will utilized and during trickle charging only 25 to 50 milli ampere current will be utilized.
2.How to Make a 500 VA PWM Controlled Modified Sine Wave Inverter Circuit
This unique modified sine wave inverter concept has been designed and invented by me. The entire
unit along with the oscillator stage and the output stage can be easily built by any electronic enthusiast
at home. The present designed is able to support 500 VA of output load.
WARNING: The unit has not been tested practically, viewers discretion is advised.
Let's try to understand the circuit functioning in details:
The Oscillator Stage:
Looking at the circuit diagram above, we see a clever circuit design comprising both, the oscillator as well
WARNING: The unit has not been tested practically, viewers discretion is advised.
Let's try to understand the circuit functioning in details:
The Oscillator Stage:
Looking at the circuit diagram above, we see a clever circuit design comprising both, the oscillator as well
as the PWM optimization feature included.
Here, the gates N1 and N2 are wired up as an oscillator, which primarily generates perfectly uniform
Here, the gates N1 and N2 are wired up as an oscillator, which primarily generates perfectly uniform
square wave pulses at its output. The frequency is set by adjusting values of the associated 100K and
the 0.01 uF capacitor. In this design it is fixed at the rate of around 50 Hz. The values can be altered
appropriately for getting a 60 Hz output.
The output from the oscillator is fed to the buffer stage consisting of four parallel and alternately arranged
The output from the oscillator is fed to the buffer stage consisting of four parallel and alternately arranged
NOT gates. The buffers are used for sustaining perfect pulses and for avoiding degradation.
The output from the buffer is applied to the driver stages, where the two high-power darlington transistors
The output from the buffer is applied to the driver stages, where the two high-power darlington transistors
take the responsibility of amplifying the received pulses, so that it can be finally fed to the output stage of
this 500 VA inverter design.
Until this point the frequency is just an ordinary square wave. However the introduction of the IC 555 stage
Until this point the frequency is just an ordinary square wave. However the introduction of the IC 555 stage
entirely changes the scenario.
The IC 555 and its associated components are configured as a simple PWM generator. The mark-space
The IC 555 and its associated components are configured as a simple PWM generator. The mark-space
ratio of the PWM can be discretely adjusted with the help of the pot 100K.
The PWM output is integrated to the output of the oscillator stage via a diode. This arrangement makes
The PWM output is integrated to the output of the oscillator stage via a diode. This arrangement makes
sure that the generated square wave pulses are broken into pieces or chopped as per the setting of the
PWM pulses.
This helps in reducing the total RMS value of the square wave pulses and optimize them as close as
This helps in reducing the total RMS value of the square wave pulses and optimize them as close as
possible to a sine wave RMS value.
The pulses generated at the bases of the driver transistors are thus perfectly modified to resemble sine
The pulses generated at the bases of the driver transistors are thus perfectly modified to resemble sine
wave forms technically.
The Output Stage:
The output stage is quite straight forward in its design. The two winding of the transformer are configured
The Output Stage:
The output stage is quite straight forward in its design. The two winding of the transformer are configured
to the two individual channels, consisting of banks of power transistors.
The power transistors at both the limbs are arranged in parallel to increase the overall current through
The power transistors at both the limbs are arranged in parallel to increase the overall current through
the winding so as to produce the desired 500 watts of power.
However to restrict thermal runaway situations with the parallel connections, the transistors are connected
However to restrict thermal runaway situations with the parallel connections, the transistors are connected
with a low value, high wattage wire wound resistor at their emitters. This inhibits any single transistor from getting over loaded and fall into the above situation.
The bases of the assembly are integrated to the driver stage discussed in the previous section.

The battery is connected across the center tap and the ground of the transformer and also to the
The bases of the assembly are integrated to the driver stage discussed in the previous section.

The battery is connected across the center tap and the ground of the transformer and also to the
relevant points in the circuit.
Switching ON power immediately starts the inverter, providing rich modified sine wave AC at its output,
Switching ON power immediately starts the inverter, providing rich modified sine wave AC at its output,
ready to be used with any load upto 500 VA.
The component details are supplied in the diagram itself.
The above design can also be modified into a 500 watt PWM controlled mosfet sine wave inverter by
The component details are supplied in the diagram itself.
The above design can also be modified into a 500 watt PWM controlled mosfet sine wave inverter by
replacing the driver transistors simply by a few mosfets. The design shown below would provide about
150 watts of power, for obtaining 500 watts, more number of mosfets may be required to be connected
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